
Tips for childproofing your house

Tips for childproofing your house Tips And Tricks

Home is where the heart is. It’s a place where kids receive love, affection and care. It’s also their lab to experiment with various things in the form of games and explore to the utmost. On the other hand everyone dreams to have a magazine inspired clutter-free home where things are always well-placed but it seems delusional for maintaining it with these little munchkins in the house. It is the responsibility of the parents to make their homes kid-friendly as home injuries seem to top the accidental source, they can largely be avoided through education and prevention. Below are the proactive steps to childproof your house.

Safety measure regarding electrical devices: It becomes very essential to have proper grounding and safe electrical devices when there are kids around you because electrical hazards are nothing new to us. Always follow safety rules at home when it comes to electrical appliances. Never leave dangling wires untreated, as the kids always have certain anxiousness to know how things work. Educate them how the electricity works and what are the perils. Always monitor your kids activities and be attentive to their actions.

Keep All Cleaning Products and Detergents Away from Your Kids: As we know all cleaning products have chemicals in them they become highly poisonous if swallowed. Make sure to keep the chemicals out of reach of children. Install doors to the cabinets and keep them locked whenever possible. Never store these detergents in food containers as they might be misused and seeked as food causing serious troubles.

Small Sized Items Must be Kept away from Kids: Check up on the small things like coins, earrings, buttons or marbles that are out of reach from the kids as these can act as a choking threat. Make sure you divide the food into bite sized portions to avoid choking. Try to  peg away those small sized possessions.

Guarding Your Perimeters: To avoid any kind of accidental falls or injuries, it is essential to keep your windows grilled and doors. Do not allow your kids to play with the open windows or patio doors. Ensure windows have safety locks. Also make sure the stairways are blocked when you are not using it, to prevent kids from climbing it. It’s your responsibility to always maintain safety around the home for kids.

Avoid keeping dangerous house plants: Indoor green plants play beneficial roles in our house environment. Not only they provide visual interest to the home, purify the air, but also are edible or medicinal. Common staple plant like aloe vera which is found almost in every house and seems aesthetically value adding asset in terms of house decor with soothing get acting medicinal is considered toxic for kids. It is not always possible to prevent accidental encounters even after keeping them out of reach.

Prefer hanging plants indoor and always insist on hand washing after handling plants or their debris. The safe plants like Christmas Cactus, Jade Plant, African Violets and Miniature rose etc can be given a shot. If pets experience skin allergies, plants may have to be moved to a pet-free area or swapped for a plant that doesn't produce reaction.

 Prevention is better than cure: Have a knowledge of basic first aid and keep a kit handy. Secondly jot down the contact numbers of your friends, neighbors, pediatrician in case of emergency you may require them. No matter how careful you are, it is essential that you stay prepared in case there is an emergency condition. Fortunately, mishaps or accidents can certainly be avoided through preventive measures and by educating your children.

Start using Non-toxic paint: Paints play a very important role in creating the look and feel of the house. Use of anti fungal paints and organic paint may increase the life of the paint job, but do remember that most paints contain toxic compounds. This has to be taken care of while making your home safe for your child. Invest in a good paint that is free of toxic chemicals and also low on Volatile Organic Compound (VOC).

Hope these tips help all you parents out there and these are a just a few of many tips that every parent should acknowledge while making their home and surrounding areas safe for their child while they grow.


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